hereinafter 翻译(herein lay)

导读 大家好,我是小典,我来为大家解答以上问题。hereinafter 翻译,herein lay很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Someone In Th...

大家好,我是小典,我来为大家解答以上问题。hereinafter 翻译,herein lay很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、Someone In The Night


3、(Sofia Kallgren

4、索菲娅·格林 )

5、Thousands of miles between us now

6、Thousands of reasons I had to go

7、I close my eyes then feel, your love still around

8、There are may be mountains too high to climb

9、There are may be oceans too wide to cross

10、Even when we were part

11、You still here in my heart

12、So let me love you

13、Some one in the night

14、Some place be need to starts

15、I lay here in the dark

16、And wonder where you are

17、Some where in my heart

18、There is always being an answer I know

19、There are always places for us to

20、Some people tell me that I am strong

21、They say that I will make all the alone

22、Even if that is true

23、I can’t get over you

24、I am through winter and summer time

25、I am through the seasons that change your mind

26、One thing will still in remain

27、The love is same

28、So let me love you

29、Some one in the night

30、Some place be need to starts

31、I lay here in the dark

32、And wonder where you are

33、Some where in my heart

34、There is always being an answer I know

35、There are always places for us to

36、Let me love you

37、Some one in the night

38、Some place be need to starts

39、I lay here in the dark

40、And wonder where you are

41、Some where in my heart

42、There is always being an answer I know

43、There are always places for us to

