
导读 大家好,我是小曜,我来为大家解答以上问题。西班牙节日英语介绍,西班牙番茄节英文介绍很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、英文...


1、英文:Tomato ooz 西班牙西红柿节始于1945年,每年8月的最后一个星期三进行,在世界上的知名度最高。据传说,有一天,该城里一个小乐队从市中心吹着喇叭招摇过市,领头者更是将喇叭翘到了天上。这时,一伙年轻人突发奇想,抓起西红柿向那喇叭筒里扔,并且互相比试,看看谁能把西红柿扔进去。这就是“番茄大战”的由来。

2、English: Tomato ooz Spain Tomato Festival began in 1945, the last Wednesday in August every year, the most famous in the world. According to legend, one day, the city of a small band from the city centre with the trumpet swagger through the streets, even the leader will flare up into the sky. At this time, a group of young people on a whim, grabbed the microphone to throw tomatoes, and mutual competition, have a look who can throw tomatoes. This is the" tomato war".

