
导读 大家好,我是小曜,我来为大家解答以上问题。bibliography格式英文,bibliography格式很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Annotat...


1、Annotated Bibliography一般指用一种特殊引用风格描述的资源列表,这些引用风格可以不同,每个文献注释实体主要包括两部分:

2、a) 引用,用合适的格式如APA或MLA来确定文献的来源

3、b) 注释,对该文献进行简短的描述,描述的内容有该文献的主要内容、对作者研究的帮助、对文献的总结等,有的可能只需要文献的主要内容。

4、文献注释的主要用途是: a) 为读者提供材料背景 b) 为了更进一步的研究提供帮助 c) 说明研究的意义

5、Lundquist, Suzanne Evertsen. Native American Literatures: An Introduction.

6、New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2004.

7、This volume has everything that a person seriously interested in studyingNative American literature needs to get started, including cultural,theoretical, and historical background. Evertsen emphasizes the multiplicity ofthe literary traditions of native literatures of North America. The cultures,languages, belief systems, and uses of the literary traditions of North Americantribes cannot be under represented, and Lundquist has organized her book to notonly remind the reader of this truth but to illustrate it as well. For thisreason, the two most helpful chapters are “How To Read Native AmericanLiteratures” and “Themes in Native American Literatures.” Newcomers to NativeAmerican literature most frequently underestimate the seriousness of these twotopics. In “How To Read Native American Literatures” Sundquist provides thenecessary cultural grounding for various tribal literacies; in and “Themes inNative American Literatures” she outlines the recurrent themes in contemporaryIndian literature that help readers follow deeper meanings in the literature asthey are connected to other works and as they are read by Indian communities.

8、a) 一部分是文献引用,标识了文件的来源文件名等

9、b) 另一部分就是对该文献的注释,可以包括该文献的主要内容,分析该文献的一些优缺点,最后给出该文献适合的读者。



