
导读 大家好,我是小典,我来为大家解答以上问题。环境污染英语作文100词,环境污染英语作文很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Human...


1、Human activities caused by the decline in environmental quality and harmful to human beings and other living a normal existence and development of the phenomenon. When the concentration of waste into the environment or harmful to human beings and other living normal existence and development of the material more than the total environment of self-purification capacity, it will cause environmental pollution. Environmental pollution is the main reason for the irrational use of resources and waste, so that the resources available as a waste discharged into the environment and cause harm. Environmental pollution can not only cause acute poisoning and chronic hazards, but the organism can have an impact on the immune function, the genetic material from organisms change. Long-term exposure to carcinogenic factors in the environment can cause cancer, called the environment (of) cancer. Environmental pollution by environmental factors can be divided into air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution, and so the pollutants can be divided into the nature of biological contamination, chemical pollution and physical pollution, according to the shape of pollutants can be divided into air pollution, waste water pollution, Solid waste pollution, noise pollution, radiation pollution; according to the cause pollution can be divided into the production of pollution and pollution of life, the former can be divided into industrial pollution, agricultural pollution, traffic pollution, and so on the distribution of pollutants can be divided into Global pollution, regional pollution and local pollution.


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